Automatic Vacuum Brazing Furnace Oven For PCD PCBN Tools
  • Automatic Vacuum Brazing Furnace Oven For PCD PCBN Tools

Automatic Vacuum Brazing Furnace Oven For PCD PCBN Tools

Automatic Vacuum Brazing Furnace Oven For PCD PCBN Tools
Production Details

PCD/PCBN Tools Brazing Machine Automatic Vacuum Oven

                    pcd pcbn vacuum brazing oven furnace

Thefully automatic vacuum welding furnace is an efficient equipment speciallydesigned for welding super-hard material tools. It is widely used for brazingnatural diamond tools, high-speed steel tools, tungsten carbide millingcutters, single crystal diamond tools, CVD diamond tools, PCD tools, Productionand processing of PCBN cutting tools and ceramic material cutting tools. Withits excellent performance and ease of operation, this equipment has become anideal choice for the superhard tool industry.


1.Advanced heating method:

Thisequipment adopts advanced heating technology, which greatly improves theheating efficiency, ensures that the welding process is fast and uniform, andgreatly shortens the production cycle.

2.Compact and convenient design:

Theequipment is small in size and intuitive to operate. Users do not need complexoperating experience, and novices can get started quickly through simpletraining. It is easy to use on site and is in line with the characteristics ofthe superhard tool industry.

3.Advantages of vacuum welding:

Usingsmall vacuum sealing technology, heating and cooling are performed in a vacuumstate to ensure no oxidation during the welding process, significantlyimproving welding quality, welding strength and stability.


1.High vacuum degree:

Thebrazing vacuum of this equipment is high and stable, reaching  2E-3Pa,ensuring ideal welding results and reducing welding defects caused by airinfluence.

2.Efficient work cycle:

Therunning time of each cycle of the vertical oven is about 70-90 minutes, whichcan quickly meet the needs of mass production and improve productionflexibility.

3.Low operating costs:

Thepower consumption per operation is less than 5kw, which significantly reducesthe company's production costs, further saves manual caching, and improves theoverall economic benefits.

4.Excellent welding gap and strength:

Thewelding gaps of this equipment are fine, the weld strength is excellent, andthe stability and consistency are good, providing customers with high-qualityproducts.

5.High output:

Thevertical vacuum welding furnace can produce 20-40 tools at a time and 100-200PCD/PCBN blades at a time, meeting the needs of mass production.

The Equipment Details:pcd pcbn vacuum brazing oven furnace

Brazing Products Samples:

pcd pcbn vacuum brazing oven furnace

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